Hello everyone, over the past two weeks our focus of our attention was focused on the recent Playtest, throughout that period we’ve collected some wonderful statistics and today we will be sharing all that and how it went. We are happy that most of the feedback from players matches our production and what we visioned Megaloot to be. All the things that were said in our Discord, Steam Discussions, reports, e-mail, and the feedback form will definitely benefit us. Most people have rated our game highly, and we couldn't be happier! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44152478/c3b8c7435843db3039cc187e78e35af38ea537c6.png[/img] [h2]Let’s start our blog with some insights on the playtest![/h2] [b][list] [*] How many people signed up for the playtest? [/list][/b] We opened the playtest from April 18th — May 2nd, 2024 (two weeks) and managed to get the interest of over 3,000 players worldwide, which is something we never expected. [b][list] [*] How many people actually played the game and for how long? [/list][/b] This is interesting because we had a high percentage of people play the game they signed up for, from the 3,000 people who signed up, 67% of them actually played the game, which totalled to 2,000 players and the median playtime was 1h 40 minutes. [list] [*] [b]How many Wishlists has the playtest generated?[/b] [/list] We’ve received a little over 5,000 Wishlists that, we believe, were generated from this playtest during the period, a small number with a big impact overtime. 😉 [list] [*] [b]How much time did people spend playing Megaloot?[/b] [/list] We’ve asked this question from the form and it was clear that you guys loved the game so much that 33% of all players spent 5h and more! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44152478/b56d09aed86f9a7816cc5d333a3bd05e524f196c.png[/img] [h2]Soo… What’s next?[/h2] I know you guys are excited about a new playtest with a better experience, and for that, we're thrilled to announce the release of the prologue of Megaloot, which we will call [b]Megaloot Prelude[/b], this version of Megaloot will be open, accessible to everyone, and it will be free and has its separate steam page, more on that soon! The difference between the Demo and the Prelude is that the demo is limited to 3 floors, while the Prologue is quite similar to the Playtest, 15 floors, more items, and characters! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44152478/cfe39728ee5240130adf55a18fc4e05a8a3abcea.png[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2973490/Megaloot_Prelude/ [h2]Community Events[/h2] Throughout the Prelude and post-release, we intend to launch a series of events and challenges with prizes and cool chances to leave your mark on Megaloot, don’t miss your chance to participate, so stay tuned to our social media channels for updates on that! Join our [url=https://discord.gg/5WuHUXmTXe]Discord Server[/url] where you can follow the game development process from A to Z, aside from that, we also have a [url=https://twitter.com/playmegaloot]Twitter Account[/url] where we share various gameplays! Until then, farewell adventurer!