[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/e7f8d74ef6360589a4807e6c69f077784fc90b47.png[/img] We're wishing Disco Elysium a happy birthday as it's now one whole year old. And what a revolution it has been. Here are some numbers that help quantify the game's journey so far: [list][*]3 new languages (and more to come) [*]15+ patches [*]15+ award wins [*]40+ award nominations [*]5000+ Discord members [*]21,000+ Steam reviews[/list] We're celebrating the occasion with the game's biggest discount ever. You can buy Disco Elysium at -30% off for a limited time! Tell all your friends who are yet to make a purchase (or gift it to them if you're feeling extra generous) so they can enjoy the experience too. https://store.steampowered.com/app/632470/Disco_Elysium/ Discount Elysium isn't all we have for you today as we're also rolling out the new Language Switch feature. This lets you swap between two languages on the fly by simply pressing a button. You can choose which languages to flick between in the Options menu. We hope this lets you further enjoy the poetic richness of Disco Elysium's many tongues. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/47503316885bf0e079745402ce596f17d880b180.gif[/img] This is the latest update in a year of many for Disco Elysium -- and there's plenty more to come. We hope to continue improving the game as a way to thank you for all your support. Over the past year it has reached us in many wonderful ways so we'd like to share some of the highlights. [h3][b]Art[/b][/h3] [url=http://online.fliphtml5.com/rgevm/zqhu/]Disco Elysium Fashion Zine[/url] A spectacular fan-illustrated zine that puts Disco Elysium characters in familiar and new outfits. [url=https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Disco_Elysium_Big_Bang/works]Disco Elysium Big Bang[/url] An online event that saw writers and artists pair up to create fan fiction and art to accompany it. [h3][b]Games [/b][/h3] [url=https://apepers.itch.io/re-hearsed-a-disco-elysium-fanwork]Re-hearsed: A Disco Elysium Fanwork[/url] An interactive fan work in the style and world of Disco Elysium and the very first fan game that was made! [url=https://csbrannan.itch.io/disco-elysium-game-boy-edition]Disco Elysium: Game Boy Edition[/url] This is Disco Elysium (or, at least, its major beats) recreated as a Game Boy title. [url=https://slugandthorn.itch.io/discodating]Disco Dating[/url] Wanna date Klaasje, Smoker, or Kim? Now's your chance! [url=https://twitter.com/CryptokillerThe]The Cryptokiller Project[/url] Keep an eye on this fan-made visual novel in development. We certainly will be! [h3][b]Music[/b] [/h3] Revachol Dawn by [url=https://berlinchild.bandcamp.com/track/revachol-dawn-feat-anna-amell]Berlin Child[/url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsU4p4jwnBU Disco is Dead by [url=https://berlinchild.bandcamp.com/track/disco-is-dead]Berlin Child[/url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPN3eCinQj0 Liquid Nights and Disco Lights by [url=https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/liquid-nights-and-disco-lights]Miracle of Sound[/url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sAxhu04SlM To see more incredible fan art follow the community-run Twitter account [url=https://twitter.com/WhirlingInRags]@WhirlingInRags[/url] and/or search for #DiscoElysium on Twitter and Instagram. We're also in the middle of ‘Discotober’, which encourages people to create fan art and fiction, so to join in or simply check it out use #Discotober. We also want to shout out [url=https://twitter.com/DiscoExcerpt]@DiscoExcerpt[/url] for giving people Disco Elysium quotes to get through each day. There are far too many folks to thank individually for supporting us and keeping the community alive, but please know we appreciate every single one of you. To our [url=discord.gg/discoelysium]Discord[/url] Mods & Community, to all our fellow developers, friends, streamers, and content creators… to everyone who has helped us or sent us messages of love and support, we thank you! Many of you have been asking, 'what’s next?', and don't worry, we hear you! We’ll have more news soon enough. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/eb17f1f1bf01d852dc628d83aa16090024151f8e.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/6dc26f11aa7cb29b9c851f4991facb7a93bedc65.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/66b406d0ff4600f9c9f3110b13bdb29008397d13.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28912883/fa9d24256f2dfcede17e04a5041c58f7b0b3693c.png[/img] (The four images above are various pieces of art from the Disco Elysium Archives)