[h1]UI Improvements[/h1] [olist] [*] The tablet interface has been revamped to enhance the immersive feel, featuring a more modern tablet-like UI. [*] JTAG Tablet Update: A flag representing your character’s nationality is now visible on the tablet when calling in airstrikes. [*] Mission Selection UI: Updated with a new font and color scheme to improve readability. [*] Map Enhancements: Adjusted colors and fonts across the Ukraine, Lebanon, and Afghanistan maps for better clarity and aesthetic. [*] Weapon Selection: Refined font and color design for a more streamlined experience. [/olist] [h1]Visual Effects[/h1] [olist] [*] Explosion FX Updated: Enhanced explosion effects for BTR and launcher impacts to increase realism. [*] AI Impact FX: Improved the impact effects on AI characters for a more dynamic combat experience. [/olist] [h1]Performance & Optimization[/h1] [olist] [*] HQ, Ukraine Map, and House Mission have undergone additional optimization for smoother performance. [/olist] This patch aims to refine visual fidelity, optimize gameplay performance, and enhance the overall user experience. Remember this is still a work in progress.