[h2]Changes[/h2] - [b]NEW[/b]: Achievement "Leave No One Behind" added for winning a co-op game without anybody being knocked out - [b]NEW[/b]: Achievement "Moonwalk" added for beating the game in singleplayer nightmare mode - [b]NEW[/b]: Black & Gold Robe as a reward for unlocking "Leave No One Behind" achievement - Fixes an issue where players could get stuck in the "crawling effect" state and Anna or Demons would ignore them. This was caused if you revived players before their jump scare video ended. - Fixes an issue with stats not being tracked correctly for the "Medic" achievement To avoid any confusion please note that the "Can't Touch This" achievement was removed because it was not working as intended. Instead, we replaced it with 2 new achievements: "Leave No One Behind" - Won a co-op game without anybody being knocked out "Moonwalk" - Won a single player game in Nightmare mode Only an extremely small number of players actually achieved the previous "Can't Touch This" achievement in a co-op game. For those that did, please reach out to us in Discord. Apologies for any inconvenience! All players versions will need to be updated in order to join games.