We're excited to release update 1.3 today. Please read below for more details on all of the changes. [h2]Batteries[/h2] DEVOUR was designed to be a difficult game; due to the condensed length of each playthrough, we felt it was important to offer a challenging experience to players. However, now that DEVOUR has grown in popularity, we are noticing that the game can be a little [i]too[/i] punishing for some players at times. Especially in Nightmare mode! With that, we're releasing the new Batteries item as an [b]optional[/b] game mechanic. Batteries can be used to instantly recharge your UV flashlight, as well as giving you a bonus amount of charge across all the difficulty modes. Check below the specifics. [list] [*] Batteries will only spawn on the map if enabled by the host. [*] You can pick up and drop Batteries just like any other item. [*] To consume a Battery, press the R key. [*] Once consumed, the UV is fully recharged, with a bonus amount of charge. (Normal: 160%, Hard: 100%, Nightmare: 60%) [*] Bonus UV flashlight charge is indicated with an orange colour and does not regenerate. [*] Batteries will respawn on the map after being consumed. [*] There are a maximum number of batteries available in the game world at one time, including those held in players' hands but not yet consumed. (Normal: 4, Hard: 3, Nightmare: 2). [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37243634/d73c4332183c40a4468804c330dea0712f2ef07a.png[/img] [h2]Revive improvements[/h2] If you've played DEVOUR, you've probably experienced a slighty janky behaviour when reviving. With this update, we completely reworked the revive logic to iron out some of these bugs. [h2]What's next?[/h2] We know that most of you are interested to find out when DEVOUR's next map will release. Our aim is to release it before Halloween 2021. It will be our most ambitious map yet, and we will definitely share more details with you in the near future! As always, please keep in mind that we are a small team and creating new maps takes a huge amount of work. We're also working on some other features which we want to release in the coming weeks. These include: [list] [*] New playable cult member 'April'. [*] New character outfits (separate purchase) [*] Farmhouse full audio redesign [/list] [h2]1.3.0 Changelog[/h2] [list] [*] Added Dutch and Indonesian language settings. [*] Added Credits to the main menu. [*] Added a new Mute Jump Scares audio setting. [*] Fix for voice chat sometimes not working in lobbies. [*] Displays a status message in the chat section when another player picks up a key. [*] Fix for a hole in the world under the stairs near the Asylum fireplace. [*] AI now correctly paths on the Asylum ritual area platform. [*] Fixed a couple of spots on the Asylum map where Molly could not reach players. [*] Fix for an edge case when Molly would scream on a client's machine but not on the host. [*] Improved tutorials for AI staggering and calming down mechanics. [*] Molly no longer renders red eyes constantly in Nightmare mode. [*] Improvements made to both Farmhouse and Asylum environments to prevent being pushed through some walls when player collisions is turned on. [*] Tweaks to the hosting lobby UI to allow for more settings to fit in future. [*] Fixed a bug where you could pick Molly on The Asylum. [*] Hosts now verify that clients own a legit copy of DEVOUR on Steam. This requires Steam to be initialized. [/list] Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/DEVOUR_GAME]@DEVOUR_GAME[/url] Discord: https://discord.gg/q4tTa2Z [i]Molly screenshot credit: @moffphcgaming[/i]