Hey there! It took us a bit longer than expected, but it’s finally here. Full gamepad support and a toggleable auto-aim feature, so you can (almost) play with one hand... 😏 [list] [*][b]Controller Support: [/b]To all of you who can’t stand mice and keyboards, rejoice! We’ve tested the game on the most popular gamepads, but if you’re using some obscure North Korean controller from 1998 and things aren’t working quite right, drop us a line on Steam Discussions or Discord, and we’ll sort it out. [quote]P.S. Full controller support for the settings menu is coming soon. Sorry about that![/quote] [*][b]Auto-Aim:[/b] You spoke, we listened! Many of you aren’t fans of manual aiming, so we’ve added a toggleable auto-aim. Now, you can press ‘Q’ to have aimable weapons automatically target the nearest enemy. While we love the tactical edge of manual aiming, we want to keep everyone happy! We’ll keep improving it as we go. [u][h3]Bug Fixes & Tweaks:[/h3][/u] [*]That sneaky Invisible Wall Bug? Gone (well, 99.9% sure it's gone). No more running into thin air! [*]Steam Deck UI fixes to keep things running smooth on the go. We’re always working on making it better! [*]Tum & Erk Boss Fight: Their turrets were stuck in time, but we gave ‘em a good kick, and they’re back in action with proper animations. [*]Some minor VFX tweaks to make things look even better. [*]And of course, we hit up some balance changes for weapons and bosses to keep things spicy. [/list] What’s Next? We’re working on making hero ultimates more fun to use, adding more weapons, localizing the game into multiple languages, and, of course, more bug fixes and balance updates to keep things running smoothly! Get in there, try out the new features, and let us know what you think! And leave your feedback on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2461840/discussions/]Steam[/url] or [url=https://discord.gg/dgtPYxvjgt]Discord[/url]. See you in the Omniverse, heroes! ✌️