Hello there! I want to start off by thanking all of you that played the closed beta or the demo. You provided a precious feedback and many bugs could be fixed because of that, thanks a lot! Well... Today's the day! After a long journey, we are finally reached this important milestone. Now the game is public and we are doing it as Early Access, so we can make it better each day, together with you, our great community! Our goal is to bring you and your friends the best experience possible, so throughout the entire Early Access process we'll I will be constantly fixing bugs and doing improvements based on player feedback. So please, don't hold back on letting us know if you have any issues or feedback. In order to do so, you can either use the Steam's Community or join our discord server. Also another great way to give your feedback is by leaving a review, it is highly appreciated. As soon as we stabilize from the post Early Access launch period, we will also be uploading a ROADMAP with most of the new features and planned goals. Thanks again for being part of this community, and we hope you have fun and great time with the game. Now let's go slay some bugs! Leo, The game’s developer