We're tackling some small fixes we saw people point out. Next up is getting the Linux version up on testbranch, which I want to do over the weekend. Let me know if we missed anything, especially bugs with the new content! I'm also looking at other things people have pointed out in feedback, but I'm running out of stuff to do on my OMENTUM list. [b]TO ACCESS THE TESTING BRANCH:[/b] [olist][*]Right Click "Death Road to Canada" in your Steam Library [*]Go to Properties [*]Click on the Betas tab on the left of the Properties window [*]Click on the dropdown in the top right, and change the Beta Participation branch from "None" to "beta - TESTBRANCH"[/olist] If you want to communicate with us directly or want every bit of testing branch news, head to the Official Discord ( #deathroad-test-branch channel ) or post here! [h1]Current List of Changes:[/h1] [list] [h2]Major Changes[/h2] [*]The tons of Custom Characters in the OPP mode removed, replaced with a teleport to the Familiar Hut. We had to separate these because there were so many characters in one scene that it was causing problems [*]Better stack handling/error preventing in Familiar Hut [*]Tweaked where the bonus loot Perks give you the bonus loots, to prevent possible exploits using Familiar Hut and other means [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [*]Fixes for BURN UNIT when you pick from 4 people [*]Fix for an incorrect link when picking from 4 people in the Chessmaster Event [*]Fix for Apocalyptic Coffee event if you were a Dog or Cat [h2]Patch Notes Notes[/h2] [*]Big tweaks to the OPP left shack [*]The OPP to Familiar Hut teleport took a bit, keep an eye out for bugs! [/list]