OMENTUM Testing Branch Update #5 (Windows)
Author: Rocketcat Games,
published 5 months ago,
Had to take a break for personal life reasons. Now back into it!
I'd really like to launch this update this month. For that to happen, we'll need a lot of testing!
I'm already planning one more testing branch update this week, to do some small fixes I'm seeing in the Discord deathroad-test-branch channel. As always, the more feedback we get, the sooner I can launch this.
[olist][*]Right Click "Death Road to Canada" in your Steam Library
[*]Go to Properties
[*]Click on the Betas tab on the left of the Properties window
[*]Click on the dropdown in the top right, and change the Beta Participation branch from "None" to "beta - TESTBRANCH"[/olist]
If you want to communicate with us directly or want every bit of testing branch news, head to the Official Discord ( #deathroad-test-branch channel ) or post here!
[h1]Current List of Changes:[/h1]
[h2]New Rare Characters
[b]Brick the Pukeymon Trainer, Carter the Cartographer, Johnny the Soldier, Arq the Programmer[/b]
[*]Brick is a recruit in trader camps where you can buy Pukeyballs from him and/or recruit him, he has a special Pukeymon that follows him in missions that gradually evolves and gets more powerful
[*]Carter is a trader camp recruit, you can buy a map from her that will act as a free reroll for any ABL event. Recruiting her yields the Explorer and Pathfinder perks alongside the City Seeker trait
[*]Johnny is a rare character findable via rare city event. He has exceptional combat stats, 7 max for strength, fitness, and a max of 12(!) for shooting. He is based off a modified Berserk! Trait, with his medical and mechanical further not being trainable above 2
[*]Arq can be found via rare city event. He starts ith Gourmand, is slightly slow, and has a 2 point fitness penalty
[h2]Major Changes[/h2]
[*]New Weapon: Fire Extinguisher. Finally added to the game!
[*]Support added for actually extinguishing permanent fires. Not so permanent now!
[*]The Four Jerks modes have had their zombie amounts lowered as per a popular suggestion from the server, 15% down from 30% for the normal Jerks and 200% down from 250% for the extreme Jerks.
[*]AI Followers can now pick up and throw Zombies on their own
[*]OBAMA is now case insensitive(!)
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*]Fixed some weirdness with blurbs leaving a bunch of stuff on the stack, but this may still happen
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the game to forget a character's .skeleton_spriteid when saving and loading a game
[*]Fixes for some old camp event CYOAS
[*]Santa event fix
[h2]Patch Notes Notes[/h2]
[*]Jack of All Trades perk buffed to include medical and mechanical
[*]Fierce Hitter now checks for Fatigue