Hello Death Warriors! Today's update changes the gameplay a bit, and also fixes some bugs. [list] [*][b]Your warriors no longer need to die if they have no purpose.[/b] We changed the behavior of warriors leaving the barracks/crypt. Now, if the barracks/crypt does not have a suitable target for an attack, then the warriors just stop and wait for further instructions. New warriors do not appear. As soon as the barracks/crypt has a target, the warriors begin to move towards it. If you simply switch the soldiers from one target to another, then already released soldiers will run to the original goal, as it was before. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/5c3954307dfc9f59b0265bc112fbfea4fb83391b.gif[/img] [*][b]Now warriors move a little more randomly, rather than running clearly along the line.[/b] [*][b]A bug was fixed when, after loading a campaign, or retreating on a campaign map, a character returned to an incorrect mission.[/b] [*][b]Fixed a rare bug that breaks save after retreating in practice mode.[/b] [/list] Great victories to you, Death Warrior!