Hello, Death Warriors! In honor of the Steam Tower Defense sale, we'd like to invite you to participate in a little challenge. We've made a special map in the spirit of Tower Defense, on which you will survive against hordes of enemies. On this map you will not be able to build farms, but you can get gold from defeated enemies. [list] [*] You'll receive points based on how long you can survive. The best players will end up in the leaderboard. [*] The top 3 leaders will get the Steam keys to the next DLC - Demon Campaign for Death Crown as soon as it comes out! [*] Challenge will continue until the end of the sale (May 4), the winners will be announced the next day! [/list] If you like this mode, maybe we'll leave it in the game, or move some of its ideas to the main mode! Good luck in the battle! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/8a0068c3448f6cc8775b26ab53b2dbc75bafc020.gif[/img]