[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32296087/50398949d1417af6961c5ff830565e86f46900dd.gif[/img] Hi, Steam! Great news! We have a new public demo for you! We were alone with ourselves for a long time, and did not share the news about the development. Now we are at that stage of development, when we do not understand very well how good our game is. We hope that the gameplay of the game is already over. And we want you to try it out! It will be great if you help us by giving feedback. In this demo version you will be able to complete a small training mission, as well as two small missions with a bot. Enjoy! [url=https://co5monaut.itch.io/death-crown]You can download the demo on itch.io![/url]