[previewyoutube=pmOi8YkwpB4;full][/previewyoutube] Hello! Today I want to present you our new mode for the game - Domination! In this mode, 30 new missions will be available to you. Missions are arranged in increasing order of difficulty. 10th, 20th and 30th - missions with bosses. For killing bosses, your Citadel will improve, as in the campaign. Passing missions you will receive black stones, as in a campaign. Black stones can be spent on the enhancement of the buildings, as in a campaign. You will have three lives to complete all the missions. If you lose three times, then you have to start from the beginning. But that's not all! For each completed mission you will receive scores. Scores will be awarded according to several criteria: [list] [*] Mission time [*] The number of buildings destroyed by you [*] The number of buildings you built [*] The balance of gold at the end of the mission [/list] Scores for completing the mission will be multiplied by the progress rate. It means that for each next mission you will receive more than for the previous one. Then these scores will be added to the rest of the scores. After completing 30 missions, or after three defeats, all your scores will be entered in the Steam leaderboard. New achievements will be added for completing 10th, 20th and 30th missions. I also want to warn you that the mode is not designed for beginners, and it is a real challenge. Be careful! We also make a new balance of the Towers. Towers shoot more than once 12 seconds, as it was before. The Towers now fire once every 6 seconds. Improving the Towers reduces their cooldown by 1 second per level. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/9eb1bda4f2e078a5a894e37d68faca15c939becc.png[/img] Also, we finally added a notification that your Citadel has been improved after defeating the boss in the campaign. Stay tuned and enjoy!