Hello Death Warriors! Today we have prepared for you several innovations. First of all, I want to tell you that we threw our bot into a pit with snakes and he got out very angry from there. Now he is not so stupid and will be able to avenge you for all his defeats. The bot has become less susceptible to exploits. Yes, yes, now you can no longer force the bot to build towers at the beginning of the party and all that. One of the innovations is that you have to break ALL the enemy Citadels to win. This fundamentally changes the gameplay of some missions. We also added some of the mechanics of the Human Campaign to the original Death Campaign. In connection with all these changes, we did a little rebalance of the original Death Campaign. We also tried to make a more adequate complexity curve. It is important to understand that the balance is not final and we will still work on a new balance. Unfortunately, we did not have much time to redo the Domination mission, but we are going to do this soon. Once we are done with this, we will begin season 3 in Domination. We also prepared a small surprise for you - a small demo of the new campaign! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/d91de1e92be5df546946b04f01f5bb821a59d652.gif[/img]