If I missed something - please, [b]ask[/b]. [h3]When will the game be released?[/h3] Very soon, on August 20th it will definitely be available in all countries. But technical release is on August 19th, 5:00 PM PST. [h3]What will be the price?[/h3] $14.99 minus release discount. I wrote more here. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1116170/view/6302310962440432374 [h3]What are your plans for updates?[/h3] Even after playing 4440 hours while making the game, there are still errors. [olist] [*] With the first updates, I fix bugs that interfere with the game. [*] And then I will consider all your feature requests and prepare the first update. [/olist] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35369102/75efbe37a3451c9f71f121db8a9d749b38585c49.png[/img] [h3]Is Steam Deck supported?[/h3] Yes! I specially optimized for it. [h3]Localization[/h3] Unfortunately, I did not have time to do the localization. [olist] [*] In the next update, I will add translation into other languages ​​using Google Translate as a temporary measure. [*] And later, I will find people willing to help. [/olist] [h3]How to play in co-op?[/h3] The easiest way is to add people as friends in Steam, and then invite them through the lobby in the game. After that, the host must select a mission and start. If the other person is not visible in the invitation window, he may be in stealth mode or not online. If something doesn't work, check: [list] [*] online mode - open, closed party [*] the multiplayer region in the game settings [*] game version should the same - check updates [/list] [h3]"I'm stuck"[/h3] Trying to get out by sliding + blinking, poking around. Maybe there's a button somewhere that opens the door. If you send me a screenshot or video, I'll fix it. But if nothing helps, then, unfortunately, the only way is to return to base. [h3]"I killed all the enemies - but the game says there are more somewhere"[/h3] Enemies sometimes hide, search around. On the mini-map, the signs are marked in red. If you send me a screenshot or video, I'll check everything. But if nothing helps, then, unfortunately, the only way is to return to base. [h3]"I found a bug"[/h3] Please write to me, I'll fix it as soon as possible. [h3]"I want to suggest a new gun / skill / upgrade / game settings / mission type / enemies / boss / improvement"[/h3] I welcome new ideas, please write to me. [h3]"I want to write a positive review on Steam"![/h3] I am very happy, thank you for your support. Positive reviews on Steam are very important for the game. [h3]"I want to leave a negative review on Steam"[/h3] I would really like to know what you didn't like. Write to me, I'm sure I can help. Especially if the reason is a bug, uninteresting game, optimization, multiplayer. Here is my Discord - [url=https://discord.com/invite/9M9ABsDd7q]https://discord.com/invite/9M9ABsDd7q[/url] Give me a chance. Thank you. [h3]How to contact me[/h3] [list] [*] Discord - [url=https://discord.com/invite/9M9ABsDd7q]https://discord.com/invite/9M9ABsDd7q[/url] - I respond here the fastest [*] There is a bug report button in the game - write there, I will receive it, but I can't respond back. [*] Steam discussions - [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1116170/discussions/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/11161 70/discussions/[/url] [*] Email [url=support@megame-studio .com]support@megame-studio.com[/url] [/list] Happy gaming ːthumbaliftː [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35369102/6851ca7baee254aa82ab5e1446a2a6a910127290.jpg[/img]