[h2] Hello again cultists! We looked at 1.0.16 and fixed the issues that came with it and now its live![/h2] [h3]Fixed bugs[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed build progress indicators disappearing under some circumstances [*] Fixed an issue where buildings could be removed while upgrading them [*] Fixed various ritual soft locks [*] Fixed confession booth soft lock [*] Fixed additional UI that did not adhere to text scaling accessibility setting [*] Fixed grave not functional after resurrecting dead buried follower [/list] [h3]General changes[/h3] [list] [*] A certain special follower will no longer give generic follower quests [*] Added smooching option to elderly lovers [*] Application no longer pauses when defocused when outside fullscreen mode [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41116610/7cf2a2008a62b4ee6185b2327f9e68af35d6b900.png[/img]