Hey doomed souls, It seems that some of you have discovered some bugs in my perfect crypts– and not the kind whose soul you slurp up. I would like personally to apologize to those who had to listen to Finks laugh and not being able to skip it, attacks not doing the correct damage, and a few more issues the visitors have found. My goal is to make the crypts as welcoming as possible so that more souls can become trapped and try to escape. I will personally take away a few letters from my minions. Before I finish, [i]Cryptmaster[/i] has almost 500 reviews on Steam with a 96% positive rating. If we keep above 95% at 500 reviews, my unholy crusade will be upgraded to “overwhelmingly positive” on Steam so if you have some time, please leave us a review. [h3]Now back to the patch notes, here is the full notes[/h3] [list] [*] Additional looting "Fingers" on enemies' letters accessibility toggle for quicker skill unlocks. [*] Reducing the difficulty on god scrolls [*] Stopped Vitus rap looping from the start when you want to enter something else. [*] Disable screenshake option in menu [*] Tomb kings hold subtitles added, so the subtitles don't fade away. [*] Additional fishing tooltips on first cast [*] To palace to change to palace/swamps, and or generally better swamp markers. [*] Gel cube area named as location, removing a bit of swamp confusion [*] Lorias door still glitches out sometimes, will rebuild that script. [*] Swamps altar, between the palace and the pools to add another save point [*] Add block minimap rotation option in options [*] Ratty respawning even if quest is complete [*] Temple audio upgrades on the speaker system. [*] [spoiler]Embezzle[/spoiler] - deal 1 damage when it mentions 2 damage [*] [spoiler]Dogwhistle[/spoiler] - damage fixed. [*] Goggos script dead ends and blocks progress after you revisit him post Pantry. [*] Bump zombie names at top of tower, increasing difficulty slightly. [*] [spoiler]N and M[/spoiler] skulls are too close together, they will be moving further apart. [*] Add controller real-time slowdown, so real-time is a bit more forgiving on controller. [*] The icon on the map where you entered so that you can see your map entry point. [*] New level-up music and world music. [*] Self-damage in cards plays wrong sound effects [*] Rare fish are a bit too skittish right now [*] Finks laughs variation, also fix it so it is skippable. [*] Double [spoiler]Darkness[/spoiler] skull in the Bonehouses [*] Highlight on whatever on start sometimes missing [*] Removed RNG on shields + armor combinations so you cant get damage locked. [*] Slow down [spoiler]murder/drums[/spoiler] cooldown, so you can preempt those out of combat. [*] [spoiler]Urchins[/spoiler] gets buffed to 4 projectiles. [*] Fish highlighting white between maps [*] Library east wing/right labels [*] Iss shader toned back [*] Remove line breaking on danger letters entirely, so that it doesn't break on Iss's island. [*] Eyestone card is bugged, will be renamed to "Eye" also. [*] Pipers final rap has wrong lines on final/repeat version. [*] Joros self damage abilities will be buffed to allow for more variety in his use. [*] Payns boulders not activating if you go the long way. [*] Moving one of the dead paladins in the downwood to a more central location, making a generic mob you get the helmet from, the other will be either a dead body, or a mob, depending on which you kill first, this will lead into the update beyond 1.034.... [*] Spanish news puzzle has been correctly realigned on the levels to represent N O S E instead of N O E S [*] Riddle04 despawning bug fixed. [*] Fixed combat lock when fighting gel cubes in the swamps [/list] If you want to check out the change logs for the next patch, one of my developer minions have started a post here so you can view what is coming next. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1885110/discussions/0/4337608365463568669/ - The Cryptmaster