Crop and claw is nearly two months past initial launch. Most of the major issues had been ironed out, and v1.1 is good enough for release. [h2][url=]Join the Discord[/url][/h2] [h1]Crop and Claw Repainted[/h1] While Crop and Claw was designed to resemble a classic 8-bit RPG, we had built it with intent to patch in an extra mode for graphics and music. We now present Crop and Claw Repainted. This is a free update which adds an extra option to play with some more colorful and detailed sprite work and a remixed MIDI soundtrack built from the original tracker music. Repainted does not drastically change the game's presentation, nor does it have functionality exclusive to classic mode. It is a simple cosmetic change. This also does not affect save files, so progress is not lost upon switching modes. [img][/img] You can toggle the game's graphics mode from the options menu on the title screen. Classic graphics and music are still available. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h2][url=]Join the Discord[/url][/h2]