[ MAPS ] Office [list] [*] Fixed a case where a player could get stuck between a prop and the ceiling [/list] Nuke [list] [*] Fixed a pixel walk [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [/list] Mirage [list] [*] Adjusted collision on van for smoother movement [*] Fixed wall penetration issues around some arches [*] Fixed a view jittering issue when jumping on a crate near palace [*] Fixed some collision that allowed smoke grenades to go inside a wall [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [*] Adjusted collision on some props [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [/list] Inferno [list] [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [*] Removed a boost spot in pit by A site [/list] Italy [list] [*] Perf improvements [*] Clipping adjustments [/list] Vertigo [list] [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [/list] Ancient [list] [*] Fixed a bad clip edge that players were getting stuck on at T spawn [*] Fixed a pixel peak [/list] Anubis [list] [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [*] Fixed a C4 stuck spot [*] Fixed some prop collision that could hide C4 [*] Fixed some lighting issues [/list] Overpass [list] [*] Fixed some minor visual bugs near canal [*] Some clipping adjustments near park for smoother movement [*] Added some missing handrail collision [/list]