Hello! I'm almost done with the next long-awaited update for Corpse Master Carnage! I'm implementing a LOT of new things and I'll need +1 week to be able to deliver all of them in perfect condition. Here are a few more things you'll find in the next update: - You can now Knife monsters, just like the original Corpse Master. Knifing monsters will also give you more points than shooting. - You can also upgrade your knife with a brand new beautiful Special Perk, available on the map "Hideout 116". - You can now also run, just like in the original Corpse Master. Stamina can be increased to run further, by buying another brand new perk! Available on the maps: "Hideout 116" and "Forsaken". - The GAME OVER screen was changed, and now will show your stats on a leaderboard, along with the other players in the match (when online is available) - Im working on a way to REVIVE YOURSELF when you're playing solo. - I'm also working on some brand new Easter Eggs, like getting secret guns, unlocking songs and etc... Thank you for your patience and don't worry! The update will be available soon! See you on 06/14!