[h1]Patch notes:[/h1] [olist] [*] Smoother gamepad aiming [*] Slow-mo during aiming to make it easier [*] Some issues with gamepad controls not showing on tutorials fixed. [*] Default gamepad bindings reworked. [*] Gamepad icons are now more readable. [*] Menus are now fully navigable with the gamepad [*] Menus are more readable when using gamepad. [*] Issue where sound would occasionally vanish after playing for a while fixed. [*] Better tutorials. [*] Levels reordered for a smoother experience. [*] Steam achievement popups now show immediately instead of on game quit. [/olist] Slow-mo in action: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38657351/46170db2bb920524daefee26b385f06cb35e4cfa.gif[/img]