Please continue to submit Bug Splat/Crash reports, as a developer will read every single report, it provides us with much-needed information for us to resolve issues swiftly. We plan to have another hotfix on Monday, February 27th, patch 1.0.2, which is focused on three major issues with stability. [b]Stability [/b] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when players ended a turn in the Dynamic Campaign Map. [/list] [b]Gameplay [/b] [list] [*] Afrikakorps Armored Reserves Deployment Upgrade cost from 150 Manpower and 50 Fuel to 200 Manpower and 150 Fuel. [*] Afrikakorps call-in Costs increased for Assault Groups to 600 Manpower, and 80 Fuel. [*] Afrikakorps Tiger cost from 900 Manpower to 800 Manpower and 180 Fuel. [*] Increasing the build time of Afrikakorps Panzergrenadier Squad from 13 to 25 seconds. [*] Fixed an issue where American AI overused recovery vehicles if they took the Armored Battlegroup. [/list] [b]Campaign [/b] [list] [*] Due to the complex nature of these features, we are expecting some rare edge cases at launch, which we hope to address in the days ahead. [*] Fixed a progression blocker when destroying bridges in the Benevento Mission via Italy Campaign. [/list] [b]UI/UX [/b] [list] [*] GUC (Global Unit Control) no longer resets its position to the bottom left when entering a new match [*] Fixed an issue where cinematics was not triggering correctly at the start of the North African Operation. [*] Fixed an issue when party lead is passed to a player, they are unable to create or join custom games. [*] Fixed an issue where "Single Player" label is greyed out after an automatch game [*] Server Error no longer occurs when Quick Match search is started for a party consisting of more than one player. [/list] [b]Graphics/Rendering [/b] [list] [*] Please make sure your graphics driver is up to date. [*] To use Ultra Texture settings you need a GPU with minimum 16 GB of Memory. High needs 8GB of GPU Memory. We are working on lowering the Ultra requirements after launch. [/list]