[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40883127/b48461b5a967600068e0fe3ecd356946b3283808.jpg[/img] The 1.6.5 Patch following our Coral Viper update includes several multiplayer balance changes that focus on improving some of the infrequently used Battlegroup choices to create a wider variety of effective strategic paths. This patch also includes highly requested quality of life improvements such as Map Preference voting and reduced input latency. [h3][url=https://coh3.companyofheroes.com/pc-1-6-5]Read the full list of gameplay and quality-of-life changes here[/url].[/h3] As always, we will update our [url=https://coh3.companyofheroes.com/pcknownissues]Known Issues thread[/url] with any issues we are tracking.