[h3]Hello everyone![/h3] Our second game update is now live! This one's more substantial than the first, here's the list: [h3]Visual stuff[/h3] We've made a number of updates to various assets' art style, the map structure and other, smaller improvements. [list] [*] Updated terrain tiles including normal grass, corrupted grass and soil to match the new art style [*] Expanded map with 2 new areas [*] Updates to decorative assets such as stones and bushes with the new art style [*] Added a shadow to the tree assets [*] Added new decorative assets such as army crates, cut tree trunks and poison barrels [*] The dark grass tiles found under the trees have been removed and replaced with normal grass tiles [*] The tree layouts and heights have been chaged to make the map look more natural [*] Added more decorative assets around the map [*] Update Comet's idle animation with the new art style and a shadow [*] Replaced the game title and menu fonts with a new, simpler and more crisp version [*] Decluttered / simplified the character / level up menu [*] As a last point, the game now supports modified app display scales (the % value under "Scale and layout" in the "Display" settings), this means it will look crisp at any % rather than stretched or cropped and blurry [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45130784/759ed37518682792d6e8278b5ce301455ab3a19f.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45130784/4be281824a1edfcece26d68c259282e3b4f25984.png[/img] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] We've added game saving mechanics! As the map grows and there's more to do, you'll be able to save your progress. Note that you will only be able to do so when not in combart, or when enemies are far away enough from you. Also, the game will also be automatically saved during checkpoints and your last saved will be loaded after a game over. [h3]Sound[/h3] Not much other than to say we've rebalanced some sound effect volumes. [h3]Bug fixes[/h3] We found that when a game over happened with enemies around, their collidable boxes would remain in place when the game reloaded; they're now removed correctly. And that's it! Should you find any bugs please report them in the bugs forum thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/3091610/discussions/0/4424309823751839958/ We hope you'll enjoy the addition and changes! If you want to contact us to let us know your thoughts or ask any questions, you can do so on the Steam forums or on discord: https://discord.gg/FRxCwcWuzy You can also follow us on social media to keep up to date with our progress! Until next time everyone, enjoy!