Hey College Bowlers! We've been crawling in the Steam Discussion Boards and Discord gathering feedback and issues reported by our fans. We are overwhelmed with the amazing reception so far. We also heard your feedback about the game's issues and bugs. We are slowly taking steps to improve the game as we listen to the community. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44019725/e113fcf7239e97126d451714dc9ef44e9db8e849.png[/img] People have had some issues loading/saving Dynasty saves and the best way to resolve the issue is to cleanout your "C:\Users\YOUR NAME HERE\AppData\Local\college_bowl" folder and reinstall the game. Also, disable Steam Cloud as the game is not geared to utilize it just yet. Stay tuned for more news on adding that feature down the road! Be sure to head on over to the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1226160/discussions/0/6193093412362900851/]FAQ[/url] if you're new to the game and want to have all of the tips and hints in your back pocket before hitting the field! [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Defenders now turn around when assigned target has engaged in a blocking battle in order to see ball carriers and not just stand facing north. [*] Fixed defenders diving erroneously when ball tossed to player during run or option plays. [*] Fixed issue where you can back out of the Graduation process while it's running. [*] Decreased tackle dive range to lower the frequency of missed tackles. [*] Passing yards now decrease for sacks. [*] Recruiting received new filtering by available players and sorting by gem, bust, and interest to better view prospects. [*] Recruiting pitch popup displays tiers and green, yellow, orange, red colors based on tier level to more easily understand. [*] Player stats screen now includes receivers in rushing stats. [*] Field stat messages cleaned up to try and resolve missing stat issues. [*] Messages running into the right side of screen adjusted to try to resolve issue. [*] Fixed broken plays in plays file. [*] Improved performance and memory usage used to store custom images when using mods. [*] Updated patch notes link. [*] Miscellaneous fixes and updates. [/list] [h2]Thank you[/h2] Our team is excited to show you what we have in the store, thank you for the patience and continued support! If you experience any bugs or issues please report them here or more preferably in our [url=https://discord.gg/3yPN2DG]Discord[/url] where you can chat with the community, report bugs, or give feedback on the game. As always, if you've enjoyed the game so far and like what you're seeing out of the game it would be great if you can leave a review on Steam! 🙏 [url=https://twitter.com/KingJavo_SH]Twitter[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/3yPN2DG]Discord[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKingJavo]YouTube[/url] [h3][i]Patch Version[/i][/h3]