- Added a 'Buy NEXT' button that buys Diggy levels up to the next skill unlock, or digger levels up to the next upgrade unlock (and if character level is above level needed for final skill/upgrade unlock, 'Buy NEXT' functions the same as 'Buy MAX') - Added flag images to the language buttons in the settings menu to make it easier to find the language settings - Added a tooltip for digger upgrade icons that are not purchased or locked - if locked, shows the name, description, and the level that it will be unlocked at - Reduced requirements for levels 7, 8, 9, 10 of fossils achievement (thanks to everyone that commented about this!) - Changed the 'red' achievement star that denotes the Steam achievement to actually be red, not pink :) - Fixed a bug where doubling fossils during a Big Bang would not count the extra (doubled) fossils towards stats or the fossils achievement - Fixed a bug where achievement complete notification would disappear if a Big Bang was triggered or if the language was changed while the notification was showing - Fixed a bug where click damage and DPS values in the diggers HUD panel would not be updated when the number format was toggled in the settings popup - Fixed a bug where game was in windowed mode and window had been manually resized, the settings menu would auto-select the lowest available resolution - now it selects the highest available resolution when this occurs