Birthday patch 1.14.1-f2
Author: CO_Avanya,
published 2 years ago,
7 years ago Cities: Skylines was released and to celebrate we have a little something for you! Check out what's included below.
[b]Cities: Skylines base game:[/b]
[*] New Chirper Balloon Tours building
[*] New Chirper Hot Air Balloon
[*] New birthday-related Chirper hat
[*] New birthday-related chirps
[b]Airports expansion:[/b]
[*] Fixed: Blimp & Helicopter stops "jitter" when attempting to place them
[*] Fixed: Wrong trucks spawning from garbage facilities & prisons
[*] Fixed: Medical Laboratory has vehicle selector
[*] Fixed: Large Cargo Airport Road railway crossing sign facing the wrong way
[*] Fixed: Large Cargo Airport Road missing 6th lane
[*] Fixed: Airports achievements unlock with mods enabled
[*] Fixed: Wrong asset names in multiple languages
[*] Fixed: Overflowing text in multiple languages
[*] Fixed: Incorrect Attractiveness value and cost for "Hotel Discounts" policy in multiple languages
[*] Fixed: Simplified Chinese Steam achievement has an extra 0 in the description