Improved mechanics, new features, UI enhancements, and bug fixes for a better gaming experience. Enjoy updated leaderboards, achievements, and customization options! [h2]Detailed Update Notes[/h2] [h3]Gameplay Mechanics[/h3][img][/img] [list] [*]Better jump timing mechanics [*]Fly pad now destroys itself after being stuck for one second [*]Increased Hop-Along's jump height [*]Blink now saved position on late jumps [*]Candle lighting improved [/list] [h3]New Features[/h3] [img][/img] [list] [*]Level Leaderboard added to main menu [*]Added character change arrows [*]Added a new achievement for players who complete a blue candle run [*]Blink can now restart levels [*]Added cherry and candle counters at the top of the screen [*]Added more languages [*]Added a link to the Discord server [*]Blue Author Times added [*]Leaderboards per character implemented [*]Controller Vibrations added [*]Added ghost replay [*]Implemented viewing ghosts from leaderboard [*]All character achievement [/list] [h3]UI Improvements[/h3][img][/img] [list] [*]Rank Number added to leaderboard [*]Improved leaderboard slider [*]Improved overall user interface experience in the menu [*]Exit confirmation popup added [*]Added a prompt (Hold To Continue) [*]Added Cherry and Candle progress per level on the leaderboard [*]Candles gradually change over to blue [*]Added splash screen [*]New mouse cursor [*]Candle color tween [/list] [h3]Settings and Customization[/h3] [img][/img] [list] [*]Saving Settings when you change it [*]Keyboard Sensitivity slider added in settings [*]Settings to toggle the ghost [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes and Optimizations[/h3] [list] [*]BugFix: Rewriting best score on Steam Leaderboard [*]BugFix: Settings menu default music slider focus changed to master level [*]General Bug Fixes [*]Fixed Leaderboard bug (loosing scores) [*]Optimized the game [*]BugFix: Candlewick no longer double triggers a candle [*]BugFix: Closing on screen keyboard now keeps focus [*]BugFix: Character select displaying steamboard regardless of type selected [*]BugFix: Saving settings on resolution + show ghost change [*]BugFix: Demo recoding stopping early [/list] We hope these updates improve your gaming experience. Enjoy the new features and improvements! [img][/img]