Hello everyone! Thanks to your constant reports, we managed to locate and squish even more annoying bugs! Thank you very much for your support, please, keep sending your feedback, it means a lot to us. You can do so here on Steam forums or on the [url=https://discord.gg/zbrWRNSCTP]Chains of Fury Discord server[/url], you are most welcome to join! [b]Change Log:[/b] [list] [*] More out of bounds colliders fixed [*] Fix for key rebinding error when player tried to assign a key that was already in use [*] A lot of sprites z fighting fixed [*] Secrets unlocked message should be visible [*] Enemies killed and secrets unlocked stats should now be visible on summary screen [*] Fix error with overseer not giving you bounty after getting killed [*] Better teleportation effect for monster spawning into the encounter [*] Rage mode thermal vision for monsters behind obstacles [*] Weapon up and down movement while walking [*] Fix issues with envirokills causing headshots [*] Game engine version update [/list]