[h2]Today comes with the first update of [b]Cathy And The Others[/b] ![/h2] [h2]First, I'd like to thank everyone who played the game ! You guys rocks ! Cathy And The Others is my first video game on Steam and thanks to you, the game is becoming more and more stable ! [/h2] [h2]My main objective is to reduce the player's frustration. I don't want you to spend 20 minutes searching for an item or trying to understand why Cathy said this line. [/h2] [h1]Patch 1.1 changelog : [/h1] [h3]Bugs : [/h3] [list] [*] [b]Loading screen[/b] : Fixed an issue where the diary was loading texts indefinitely and was forcing the player to a force quit. [*] Added new collision detection on some walls. [*] Fixed a specific text appearance in the diary. [/list] [h3]Gameplay : [/h3] [list] [*] Changed the location of the note in the fusebox. [*] Updated the note to red color. [/list] [h3]Added : [/h3] [list] [*] New arrows on the last box to push (héhé) [/list] Merci ! Kevin