[b]Information about the new upgrade for ALL Helper Cats in Cat Bait![/b] Now, [b]each Helper Cat[/b] will have, in addition to the current attack type, [b]three more options[/b]! When you first select a Cat, it will have the standard attack (the same as now). However, you won't be able to upgrade all the Cat's enhancements anymore. Out of three enhancements, you can choose only two: one to upgrade to the maximum (third) level, and the second — only to one level. After that, you will be able to choose a [b]unique enhancement[/b] (which I call "super-enhancement" in the code). This choice will depend on which standard enhancement you upgraded to the maximum level. Example with the [b]Archer Cat[/b]. Let's say you decided to upgrade [b]Damage[/b] as the main enhancement. After [b]Damage[/b] is upgraded to the maximum level, and the second enhancement, for example, [b]Attack Speed[/b], to one level, on the next stage, you will be able to choose a unique enhancement. In our case, it would be "[b]Ballista[/b]" and "[b]Archer Cat+[/b]". "[b]Archer Cat+[/b]" is essentially an upgrade of the [b]basic ability[/b]. You get an extra level for the second enhancement (e.g., [b]Attack Speed[/b]) and add a third first-level enhancement — [b]Number of Arrows[/b]. Now about the "[b]Ballista[/b]." This skill [b]completely changes the attack mechanic[/b]: instead of arrows falling from above, a giant arrow flies at enemies in a line, dealing significant damage. All previous upgrades still apply. For example, if you chose [b]Attack Speed[/b], the intervals between Ballista shots will be shorter. If you chose [b]Number of Arrows[/b], there will be two arrows. What about the other two upgrades for the [b]Archer Cat[/b]? These are "[b]Splitting[/b]" (through Attack Speed) and "[b]Arrow Rain[/b]" (through Number of Arrows). "[b]Splitting[/b]" adds an extra effect: after the arrow lands, small projectiles scatter in different directions, dealing damage. "[b]Arrow Rain[/b]" completely changes the attack mechanic: an area slowly moves in the direction of the last Cat Bait position, and arrows begin falling in this area, dealing damage. You can see all of this in more detail in the video (first the [b]normal arrows[/b] are shown, followed by [b]Arrow Rain[/b], [b]Splitting[/b], and finally [b]Ballista[/b]). [previewyoutube=1Tp4oo3h9UM;full][/previewyoutube] Now, each [b]Helper Cat[/b] essentially has [b]four different attack mechanics[/b]: the [b]standard[/b] one and [b]three unique ones[/b], depending on the upgrade path. This significantly expands the possibilities for gameplay variety (and this is [b]not counting the new Cats[/b] that will be added!). All of this greatly impacts [b]replayability, build diversity, and overall fun.[/b] [b]Now for the bad news.[/b] Unfortunately, we physically can't release the update in [b]October[/b]. We've already done a lot of work, but we won't be able to finish everything in time. The delay is [b]not only because of me[/b] but also [b]the artists[/b], as [b]there is a lot of work to do[/b] (the composer is amazing — he's already finished the tracks for the new location!). Right now, [b]new animations for each unique enhancement[/b] are being drawn, as well as [b]new enemies and a new boss[/b]. But I think in [b]November[/b] (closer to the end of the month), we'll be able to delight you with the update! Yes, it's much bigger than we initially planned, but we've listened to your feedback and want to make the game even [b]more unique and interesting[/b]. [b]A huge thank you to everyone who bought the game![/b] Thanks to you, we can keep working.[b] Thanks to you[/b], I was able to buy a new computer for our composer because his old one was completely outdated. Now he's even more energized to create amazing tracks for you! And, of course, [b]from me personally[/b], as the lead developer — thank you! [b]You have no idea how much this means to me.[/b] I'm happy that our game has found a [b]place in so many hearts,[/b] especially considering that this is [b]my first big project[/b].