Hello everyone, Update 0.2.0 focuses mainly on completely reworking the exporter, adding numerous features and flexibility to enhance its functionality. Additionally, native file browser support has been introduced for importing files and selecting the export folder. See the full patch notes below! Feedback on the new exporter would be greatly appreciated. I aim to make it as user-friendly as possible while offering extensive functionality. If you have any suggestions or feel that something is missing, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Bug reports and feedback are always welcome, either on the Community Hub or our official Discord server. Fred, The Developer. [h2]Features:[/h2] [list] [*][b]Major overhaul of the exporter![/b] [*]Added multi-page support to the exporter preview [*]Added a system that automatically fills pages with cards in the exporter. Adjusting spacing between the cards will flow cards to new pages if they no longer fit on their current one. Choose to only include fronts, backs or both sides of cards and whether you want to export all fronts then backs, or have them exported sequentially [*]Added mass exporting - Choose to export the current page in the preview or all pages at once [*]Included a variety of paper standards (ISO A3, ISO A4, ISO A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid, ANSI A, ANSI B) [*]Added landscape/portrait paper mode in the exporter [*]Added individual image mode in the exporter [*]Added PDF as an export format option, consolidating all exported pages into one file [*]Added Native file browser support for selecting the output folder in the exporter [*]Added an option for selecting unit of measurement in the settings [*]Added Native file browser support for selecting files to import. Click the File button in the Topbar → Importer then click on 'Choose files' [*]Added a new button in the Topbar for triggering a save manually with a timer showing time elapsed since the last autosave. (Card Engine still automatically saves when it detects it’s being shut down, changing projects, or returning to the main menu) [*]Added right click functionality for custom assets to delete them [*]Added right click functionality for custom categories to delete them [/list] [h2]Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*]Improved UI in the Asset browser. Category buttons now change colour to display what category is currently open [*]Improved zoom functionality when editing cards. You can now scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in on the card anywhere within the editing window as long as the cursor is not over a UI panel. Zooming out moves the card back toward the center as an alternative for recentring the card. [*]Improved UX by slightly speeding up the flip card animation [*]Improved UI by adding a thin white glow to panels to enhance UI visibility [*]Improved performance slightly by changing some code implementations [*]Improved memory usage efficiency slightly by changing some code implementations [/list] [h2]Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a memory leak caused by material instantiation on texts when retrieving them from a reuse-pool [*]Fixed an issue where the card being edited was moveable and zoomable while the cursor was over UI panels [/list] [h2]Other:[/h2] [list] [*]Updated and renamed Steam achievement 'Lone Giant' to 'Lone Card', now granted by exporting in individual image mode [*]Updated Steam achievement 'Showtime' to now be granted after exporting any paper with at least 9 cards on it [/list]