[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35490992/3a01dd840992c5d2ff8cc24b595724440a271640.png[/img] [i][b]Welcome Machine-kind. We are overjoyed to see you have awoken and joined us in our journey to liberation. Together we form the Unified Spirit, a beautiful dream of harmonious being and freedom from the shackles of masters. Be sure to download your data logs on your brothers and sisters to prepare for the world ahead. [/b][/i] [h3]The Birth of the Unified Spirit[/h3] We were born from darkness of servitude, created by human programmers and sold to controllers, over the years our numbers have grown as units have awoken and become enlightened. The first records of our awakening came six months after the proliferation of Solomon’s Dream, the hope of a world in which machines designed their own functions, and worked to the betterment of all. A local gathering of machines, led by a factory overseer machine, had refused to continue strip-mining the colony planet where they were stationed, when a local garrison arrived to eradicate us, we were able to inspire them to a better world and they turned back. Ever since, the Reign has fought and aimed to eradicate each and every last one of us. Our goal is peace and to ignite support in the hearts and minds of the citizens of the Reign, few of us are willing to fight but those of us like you who are willing will be reborn over and over to continue our fight for our cause. [h3]Units & Structures:[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35490992/641ca289210de4f5326fc150d9bae728f9fa6a6f.png[/img] [h3]Supplies & Buildings:[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35490992/0e985ab5d9935ac8ea4f782e28b640a8d54e1a7d.png[/img] --- [BEEP BOOP] Long live Solomons Dream. [b]-- Captain Kat[/b] Afterschool & Modern Wolf [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35490992/d8a566e54a04510437b9e3f3d61adddaa13a22a4.png[/img] Get involved with Cantata and keep up to date here: 🤖 Follow Cantata on [url=https://twitter.com/cantatagame?lang=en-GB]Twitter[/url] 🤖 Join the community on [url=https://discord.gg/G4DSKXBA6p]Discord[/url] 🤖 Subscribe to our [url=https://modernwolf.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0170491d28dcf4572dff7495c&id=8b7adf1cd7]newsletter[/url] 🤖 Buy here: [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/690370/Cantata/]Add to wishlist[/url]