[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43184515/b43e5be270bdfa738aff33c1852fd77a7ae5613b.png[/img] In Cambrian Dawn, some of the creatures are absolutely massive! Omnidens is a perfect example of such a creature... mostly. Omnidens in-game is a prime example of "Dimorphism", meaning that males and females look different... and boy, do they look different. Male Omnidens, pictured within the red ring, are tiny compared to the females. Not much is known scientifically about Omnidens; I hope that every creature I add to the game will further paleontological interest in not just Omnidens, but for as many creatures as possible! You can find these animals and more on your journey to a time long forgotten... Until next time, God bless, and have a wonderful day.