Hello DMZ Community, It has been a thrilling first season of DMZ as the team at Infinity Ward has watched and played alongside you. We’ve watched players chase Weapons Cases, hunt enemy squads, solve Building 21 and explore the many locked spaces of Al Mazrah. We enjoyed the heart pounding exfils, the daring boss fights and the chaos of contracts against the impending radiation. We celebrated your clips of Proximity Chat and the Assimilation feature to group up and work together… or not work together! As we look ahead to Season 02, we wanted to share more details on what is coming within our growing DMZ ecosystem and how we plan to continue evolving the experience. You can read the full details of this on the COD Blog [url=https://www.callofduty.com/uk/en/blog/2023/02/path-to-season-02-dmz-update-modern-warfare-ii]here[/url].