We're in the middle of working on a big update to expand the gameplay! but in the meantime, we wanted to give you this smaller update with a bunch of bug fixes and quality of life improvements. Enjoy! [list] [*] Added Korean and Latin America Spanish localization [*] Added unique icons for every animal in the animal journal [*] Fixed NPCs getting stuck in some situations and made NPC movement smoother [*] Fixed stores selling clothes, potions, toys, and recipes that the player already owns [*] Fixed animals getting stuck falling on furniture [*] Fixed Freya running to the wrong place when owl club quest starts [*] Fixed credit sequence getting stuck sometimes, and improved credit sequence route [*] Fixed autosave saving while player is in food minigame [*] Fixed duplicate dialogue response options [*] Fixed birds being unable to land if they were too close to the ground, and made it so player can dismount birds while flying [*] Fixed bug that caused NPCs not to follow their schedules sometimes [*] Fixed UI not updating the day of the week name [*] Fixed bug that made it so player couldn't enter furniture mode sometimes [*] Fixed money display getting stuck at 1,000 sometimes [*] Fixed Broomstick getting stuck when following player, and fixed broomstick getting stuck at an angle when respawning [*] Fixed "Succulent Chair" not actually being a chair [*] Fixed small animals stored on big animals floating away [*] Fixed position of small animals put on capybara heads [*] Fixed animals pushing you back when you remove them from your head [*] Fixed cafe music vocals being cut off when they weren't supposed to, and increased frequency of when vocals play [*] Fixed item previews of pangolin and witch toys [*] Fixed large animals not being mountable after removing float potion effect [*] Made "Hide UI" also include button prompts and quest log [*] Made credit sequence repeatable after saving and reloading game [*] Made furniture bounce to indicate when it's selected [*] Made it so that multiple carpets overlapping won't cause graphical glitching [*] Made it easier to reach animals with the unfloat potion [*] Made remote control toy change speed depending on size of animal chasing it [*] Removed turning animation delay from player movement for better control [*] Added sitting direction indicator to chairs that needed it [*] Gave names to unnamed animals, only applies to new save files. Crow:Inkwell, Raven:Poe, Rabbit:Harvey, Snow Dog:Marshmallow, Snowy Deer:Tap Dancer, Arctic Fox:Sugar, Raccoon:Trash King, Pigeon:Flappy, Piggles 2:Wiggles, Piggles 3:Jiggles, Boar:Country Oinks, Deer:Dear, Fox:Focsimile, Black Cat:Unfamiliar [*] Made Tiny tinier [/list] (Mac version will be ready as soon as we can get it!) More news on the gameplay update in the coming months~