A small update with some new secrets, quality of life changes and fixes. [b]Secrets[/b] One of the ways we are continuing to balance the game is by adding more secret areas. These are designed to be helpful to players still learning the game or those who want to take things a bit slower. They are away from the main path so that they don’t affect existing time trial runs but provide extra resources for those who want to explore. [list] [*] Added a new secret to Library [*] Added a new secret to Arena [*] Added a new secret to Desert [*] Made a secret on Boarium more obvious (though accessing it remains a mystery)[/list] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kqt75aM.gif[/img] [i]A new secret in Arena.. but where.[/i] [b]QoL[/b] A number of suggestions have come from the community to improve quality of life in the game. [list] [*] Doors now indicate which kind of key they require (bronze, iron, gold). They do indicate their type by their color already, but this will now be reinforced in the text popup - suggested by Sleeves. [*] Added level info to the pause screen – now you can check your time and secret counter from within the level itself. Suggested by AXIOS. [*] Added some new options including the ability to flip the player hands/weapons for left-handed players. There is also now an option to disable the increase in FOV when Bloodlust is active. This is on by default as it contributes to the speed and intensity of the game but is can be disabled if some players find it disorienting. Suggestions by Место людям — Тарпейская скала [/list] [b]Blood Portals[/b] Created new textures for Blood Portals to make them more distinctive from regular ones. These portals are now universally red to make it more obvious which require Bloodlust to enter. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44624893/b2fb9ee3f7ae89ead007bde3be434a9a33b1e1ba.gif[/img] We are approaching the end of our launch week and it has been amazing to see such a positive reception so far. We're especially enjoying seeing players getting into some of the later levels and have had a great time chatting to everyone over Steam/Discord/Email. Appreciate all of the support from everyone! Veni, vidi, vici [i]Changelog -Added a new secret to Arena, Library and Desert -Made a secret on Boarium more obvious -Fixed issue in Bloodwater where you could run out of enemies to kill before entering the final portal -Doors now indicate their key requirements -Level info now on pause screen -Rebalanced some time trial times -Rebalanced enemy randomizer -Fixed z fighting throughout game -Fixed a few bugs that prevented certain achievements from triggering -Fixed bug audio bug with Steam overlay -Fixed Steam screenshot taking two images -Enemy collision with boulders improved -Squashed enemies can now longer be resurrected inside boulders -Fixed various bugs with moving walls -Fixed level briefing screen saying ‘dev’ instead of ‘target’ time -Fixed a slightly offset wall in Temple of Caesar -ESC can now go back to the previous screen on all menus -Blood portals have a new texture[/i]