[h1]Brawlhalla Esports: Year Eight[/h1] Earn free and exclusive in-game items by watching on Twitch! Join us on [url=https://twitch.tv/brawlhalla]twitch.tv/brawlhalla[/url] as we watch the best players in the game battle for their chance to be called the Summer Royale Champion! These players include [b]Sandstorm, MegD, Luna, Godly, Mounir, Neeze, Kyna, and Lores. [/b] [url=https://www.brawlhalla.com/schedule/]Click here for stream start times automatically converted to your time zone[/url] [h2]Dates & Times[/h2] [b]Tournament: [/b]Saturday, October 14th, 12PM ET [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4ThjORXIAA_Uk1?format=jpg&name=large[/img]