[b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Slightly decreased damage spread for the str/armor difference damage modifier. [*]Slightly increased recover from hit on the low end of the defense stat. [*]Slightly decreased recover from hit on the high end of the defense stat. [*]Slightly increased min charge on the low end of the dexterity stat. [*]Slightly increased recovery reduction on the low end of the dexterity stat. [*]Decreased spread on dexterity's effect on self impulse power movement speed.[/list] [b]Maps[/b] [list][*]Wally: Slightly shortened the width of the right side and added a soft platform to the left side.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Reassigned color swap values to Vraxx's skin for clarity.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Top bar added to main menu. [*]Game Settings Menu: Damage % now shows value as a percentage instead of as a proportion.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug where shift would close the pause menu. [*]Fixed a bug where cursor would be off screen when creating a bot in custom online. [*]Fixed a bug where ready to play would show up while you had the player menu open. [*]Fixed a bug where results screen would show score from last match before it switched to score of the most recent match. [*]Fixed a bug in Character Select where the color picker would show a color that is not currently selected. [*]Fixed a bug causing store to bail the user out to the home screen in the event they try to buy something they already owned with a controller [*]Fixed a bug where removed friends from steam stick around on your in game friend's list. [*]Fixed a bug where during variable input delay situations, sometimes inputs would get lost. Hat tip Skroyan! [*]Fixed a bug where people with special characters in their name could not chat online. [*]Fixed a bug where you needed one more Elo than designed to move up in the rankings. [*]Fixed a rare case where players could dodge out of a bomb collision. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause weird music behavior while queuing for an online game.[/list]