Free Closed Beta sign up --> A handful of balance changes for your weekend games! [b]Community Requests[/b] [list][*]Added D-Pad support for third party PS3 controllers.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Updated team colors for better visibility. [*]Changed color of the brawlball for better visibility. [*]Fixing some pops in the "Don't Leave Me Hangin'" Animation.[/list] [b]Sound[/b] [list][*]New special buildup sounds for Cassidy, Teros, Gnash, Nai, Scarlet, Sentinel, and Vraxx.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Brawlball/Bombsketball maps no longer show up for before queue practice. [*]When new players join custom online games, teams will default to 2v2 as much as possible.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Game mode option icons are now easier to see.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug causing Powerplay Blasters to display incorrect art. [*]Fixed bug causing weapon icons in Ranked 1v1 mode to not display correctly for each character. [*]Fixed a rare crash where Brawlball would fail to launch. [*]Fixed a rare bug with the lobby list that would cause the game to crash. [*]Fixed bug when getting disconnected and sending input at character select during the same frame. [*]Addressed a rare crash in custom online games [*]Fixed a bug in Brawlball and Bombsketball where if the red team had 2 players and the blue team had 1, the blue player would spawn in the same location every time. [*]Fixed a bug where a bomb that was knocked out of a character's hand could score in bombsketball. [*]Fixed a bug where being interrupted while charging a throw could cause you to throw the item, meaning that multihit attacks would always get interrupted if they hit someone charging a weapon throw.[/list]