[b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]Made hitboxes stick around for 4 frames so that it is easier to see moves that alternate hitboxes frequently. [*]Readjusted the new capsule hitboxes on lots of powers (list below).[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Sword Air Side: Actually lets you jump during recover this time. For real. [*]Sword Air: Hitboxes are now the same size as the Sword Air Down (wider and shorter). [*]Sword Air Side: Slightly increased hitbox size, the swings were moved slightly closer together, and the first swing got a little more Force. [*]Sword Down: Hits more upward and has slightly longer stun time (in comparison to our last patch), hits more consistently on both swings. [*]Katar Side: Slightly increased time to hit. [*]Katar Air Down: Reduced damage. [*]Blasters Down Heavy: Adjusted hitbox. [*]Blasters Quick: Adjusted hitbox, reduced damage. [*]Blasters Air Down: Adjusted the direction of impulse so that it will combo into the second part of the attack better. [*]Lance Quick: Adjusted hitbox. [*]Lance Down: Adjusted hitbox on lance down. [*]Unarmed Down: Shortened animation to match duration of hitboxes better. [*]Unarmed Quick: Reduced damage. [*]Unarmed Heavy: Adjusted hitbox on. [*]Unarmed Air Down: Reduced damage.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Changed the scaling for how much speed affects movement powers (slightly slower at the high end, slightly faster at the low end).[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Adjusted the sfx on the Rocket Lance's Air Neutral so that it would not become disconnected from the exhaust. [*]Added new fire animation to rocket lance's neutral air attack; new animation has much less fire fall-off. [*]Fixed an issue were Sir Roland's Sword's Special effects were playing behind by 1 frame.[/list] Beta Version 1.5.2 Patch Notes: http://steamcommunity.com/games/291550/announcements/detail/225513259867575145