[b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]Hitboxes now use capsule collisions instead of rectangles for improved accuracy. [*]Adjusted hurtboxes on ground pounds and other offending attacks to be more accurate. This should result in more logical priority for those attacks. [*]Mac support for Pro Ex controller. [*]Updated icon for So Salty taunt. [*]Slightly decreased floatiness at the top of jumps.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Lance Down Heavy: Reduced Force slightly. [*]Lance Quick Side: Shortened time to hit. [*]Lance Quick: Slight reduction in Force on final hit. [*]Lance Air: Adjusted animation and hitboxes relative to hurtbox, decreased hit window, increased recover time. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Reduced Damage and Force slightly, reduced final hitbox size and hit window, reduced recover time. [*]Hammer Down: Reduced time to hit, increased stun time. [*]Hammer Quick: Now has taller hitboxes on first two hits. [*]Hammer Air Side: Slightly increased Force, can now jump during recover time. [*]Katar Down Heavy: Reduced Force slightly. [*]Unarmed Ground Pound: Reduced time to hit. [*]Unarmed Side Heavy: Increased hitbox size, reduced time to hit, reduced hitbox duration, can move during recover. [*]Unarmed Down: Increased Force, can jump during recover. [*]Unarmed Quick: Slightly reduced Force on final hit. [*]Unarmed Air Neutral: Slightly reduced Damage. [*]Unarmed Air Side: Slightly increased Force. [*]Sword Ground Pound: Decreased time to hit. [*]Sword Quick: Extended time to hit and reduced Force on final hit. [*]Sword Side: Reduced hitbox size, Damage, and distance traveled. [*]Sword Side Heavy: Reduced hitbox size, reduced time to hit. [*]Sword Down: Retimed and rehitboxed, increased Force, decreased Damage, is steerable once it leaves the ground. Can now jump during recover. [*]Sword Air Side: Decreased Force, increased minimum Force to make power more effective on the edges of the map. Retimed and rehitboxed. Increased the downward angle slightly on second hit. Can now hit with both swings. Can now jump during recover. [*]Sword Air Heavy: Retimed and rehitboxed. Increased recovery time, but can jump sooner out of attack. Decreased Force, increased minimum Force. Angle of final hit is more dependent on target position. [*]Sword Air: Increased Force, increased time to hit. [*]Sword Air Down: Increased Force, increased time to hit. Can now jump during recover. [*]Spear Air: can now jump during recover. [*]Spear Air Side: can now jump during recover. [*]Spear Air Down: can now jump during recover. [*]Scarlet Boiling Point: Reduced hit window, Damage and Force fall off faster. Increased minimum Force.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Attacking out of dodge now takes slightly longer. [*]SpikeBalls, Bombs, and Mines will all fall out of your hands after one hit. [*]Damage and Force on weapon throws normalized. Spear is still slightly faster than other weapons, but not as much so, its damage and Force are lowered to balance. [*]Reworked item throwing mechanics slightly. [list][*]Initial speed is 15% higher, and max speed for full charge is 15% lower. [*]Items stop being dangerous/active earlier when decelerating. [*]Weapons aren't so bouncy off the ground/walls. [*]Throwing upwards while falling should be easier. [*]Items thrown straight upwards don't travel quite as far.[/list][/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Hammer Side Heavy sfx will now stay in one location even if the attacker is moved. [*]Fixed torso alignment in pistol jump animations. [*]Hattori now has hit-react animations on her special attacks. [*]Cleaned up Cassidy's Hammer sfx by removing some trailing elements. [*]Got rid of fx on the kick in Thatch's special, and lowered opacity of the sword recovery attack. [*]Tweaked the torso in the Pistol's Ready animation to be less skewed. [*]Added revised fx to Hammer Down Quick. [*]Added new hit-reacts for Sentinel's specials. [*]Improved Trail effect behavior under network instability.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Corner buttons in the character select now pin to the edges of the screen when changing aspect ratios. [*]User's connection status has been updated to display which server the user has a connected to. [*]Main menu, Build Version, and Connection Status UI now snaps to the corners of the screen when changing aspect ratios. [*]Ready banner inside the character select now fully fits the 16:9 ratio. [*]Background and foreground clouds inside the character select now fully fits the 16:9 ratio. [*]Scoreboard screen background now fully fits the 16:9 ratio. [*]Match preview screen background now fully fits the 16:9 ratio.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Client-side memory improvements.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug where changing the Legend or damage of the bot wouldn't update the HUD in training mode. [*]Fixed a common bug with spectate where players show up as "UNKNOWN". [*]Fixed a bug where the looping charge up sounds would cancel prematurely in online play. [*]Fixed bug where summoning horn would do much more damage than intended when thrown. [*]Prevented a rare crash after blowing a VALKRI summoner. [*]Fixed very rare bug causing the game to crash when choosing colors and skins in the character select screen. [*]Fixed a possible crash that occurs at the level select. [*]Fixed occasional crash after disconnecting from online games.[/list]