[b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]Networking improvements to handle latency and dropped packets in online play. [*]Controller support for: Logitech Chillstream, Xeox Speedlink, and another driver for the Xbox Controller S/Duke. [*]Effectively removed item stuns. Still left a small amount for networking improvement, but visually it's almost invisible. [*]UI now works in 16x9. [*]Reworked sounds for special moves.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Bodvar Dragon's Doom: Reduced hitbox size, slightly increased time to hit.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Reworked Bodvar Dragon's Doom sfx, added a hit react sfx. [*]Reworked Scarlet Boiling Point sfx. [*]Revised Scarlet Centrifugal Force sfx. [*]Reworked Ada Parting Shots sfx. [*]Updated Gnash Sharp Stick Slam! sfx. [*]Updated Hattori Deadly Distraction sfx. [*]Removed dark transparent circle in maniacal laugh taunt. [*]Fixed sxf error in Gnash Sharp Stick Slam! [*]Made a clean up pass on Slow Clap and Good Bye taunt animations. [*]New Taunt: "So Salty"[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Background art in the main menu and character select has been updated. [*]Match settings summary is now displayed across the top of the character select when playing custom and couch matches. [*]Settings menu is now a drop down menu and can be opened and closed with "Y". [*]New Redeem Promotional Code button inside the store. [*]Change teams option has been added to the settings menu inside the Character Select Screen. [*]Character and Account names now display correctly in the Scoreboard screen when playing Online and Custom Online matches. [*]Training Mode will remember Show Hitboxes and Bot Behavior settings during a session. [*]All window overlays now support a 16:9 aspect ratio[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Improved Performance of Killstreak Animations.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug where Damage and Force multipliers didn't correctly account for Attack Speed on fully charged heavy powers. [*]Fixed a bug causing players to appear on the wrong team or no team when joining a custom online match. [*]Fixed a bug where after a match, your cursor position would not match your hero choice. [*]Fixed a bug where when traveling around corners, powers could incorrectly be treated as hitting through walls and ignored. [*]Fixed a bug where changing which Legend a bot was playing as in Training Mode would not update its weapon skins. [*]Fixed a bug where the HUD could display incorrectly at the beginning of team games. [*]Fixed a bug where the pause menu would come up while the player panel was hiding and the light attack button was pushed. [*]Fixed a bug where the end of game scoreboard would display the wrong player numbers in local matches. [*]Fixed a bug causing the hotkey for "Settings" in the character select to display as "C" instead of "X" [*]Fixed a bug causing background to not stretch across the entire 16:9 aspect ratio while in menu screens[/list]