[b]Legend[/b] [list][*]Lucien has been added to the roster! [*]Lucien is playable by everyone during Closed Beta Round 1. [*]Vive la France![/list] [b]Spectate[/b] [list][*]The "Watch Game" option has been added to the Online Options menu under Custom Online inside the Main Menu. [*]This new option will allow spectators to view matches without actually being in the games.[/list] [b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]Volume meters for music and sound have been added to the pause menu options. [*]Thrown items (including bombs and mines) now have a hit delay before sending their targets flying. [*]Support for SpeedLink GamePad, Xbox Controller S/Duke, and PS2 controller with adapter on pc.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Lance Air: Increased Hitbox duration, reduced Hitbox size, can jump earlier in power Recovery. [*]Lance Recover: Reduced Hitbox size and Force. [*]Lance Air Down: Reduced Damage. [*]Lance Ground Pound: Reduced Hitbox size. [*]Sword Air: Reduced Hitbox size, tweaked animation to match. [*]Sword Recover: Reduced Force. [*]Sword Air Down: Reduced Hitbox size, Increased Force, tweaked animation to match. [*]Spear Air Down: Reduced Hitbox width. On hit, sends target backwards and user forwards. [*]Spear Recover: Reduced Force, adjusted Hitbox position, reduced Hitbox width. [*]Spear Ground Pound: Reduced Hitbox size, adjusted Hitbox position, reduced Hitbox width. [*]Pistol Recover: Reduced Force, increased Damage on final hit. [*]Katar Recover: Reduced Force. [*]Unarmed Recover: Reduced Force. [*]Unarmed Air Down: Reduced Damage and Force.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Weapons are more heavily weighted to spawn than gadgets at the beginning of matches. [*]Slightly widened the right side on Kings Pass to match the left side. [*]Thrown spike balls and summoner horns no longer damage the thrower or the thrower's teammate(s). [*]Slightly lowered the angle on horizontal throws. Spears thrown straight ahead don't fly over players' heads anymore. [*]Increased the amount of height you get on exhausted Recover moves.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Castaway Thatch Skin: Crabbie now animates more often! [*]Improved FX on the sword Recovery. [*]Cleaned up line work on character art. [*]Updated the "Random" option's portrait artwork to better match the new silhouette in the character select.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]News will automatically show up when you load the game the first time after a new patch. [*]Any input will close the news screen. [*]Character selection art and UI has been updated. [*]Improved feedback when selecting and locking in characters before a match. [*]Better handling of input device errors. [*]Empty slots in match preview screen no longer hide and leave awkward empty spaces. [*]Match preview screen art has been updated. [*]Stat meter art has been updated.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug that would cause players to be stuck at match preview screen. [*]Fixed a bug that made it possible for the Broadcast to be stuck on repeat. [*]Fixed a bug causing Player 4's head token to visually remain in the voted state during level selection after the first game [*]Fixed a bug where the headshots in the level select screen would get in the way of voting with the mouse. [*]Fixed a bug where bomb and mine explosions could hit through walls. [*]Fixed a bug where buying a Collector's Edition after already having played the game could cause you to lose any previously purchased Bodvar skins. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause invisible heads in the final kill broadcast of Custom Online stock matches. [*]Fixed a Training Mode bug where multi-hit moves were cutting off fractions and showing incorrect totals. [*]Fixed a bug in level select causing players that chose the "Random" legend option to display the wrong head during the voting process. [*]Fixed a bug causing roster portraits to not play their selection animations when choosing a legend. [*]Fixed a bug where map list would only show Brawlhaven in custom online. [*]Better reporting of fatal errors. [*]Fixed a bug where sword art went wrong during throw. [*]Fixed a bug where Spectate could cause you to be stuck in offline mode. [*]Fixed a bug where Spectate errors showed up inadvertently in online games.[/list]