[b]New Map[/b] [list][*]Titan's End is now in and ready for epic brawling. [*]Stand tall before the fallen giant![/list] [b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]The news panel is back. [*]Added a new Submit a Bug Report button in game. [*]Throwing at a downward angle is much easier to do with a controller. [*]Added a new music track, and shifted music around on existing levels to match better. [*]Reworked the sounds for the base attacks on Blasters, Swords, Hammers, Spears, and Rocket Lance. [*]Added new jump and weapon pickup sounds. [*]Character portrait is now used during map voting to remove confusion.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Improved bot performance on Stadium. [*]Bots are now more willing to engage and have fewer accidents. [*]If you're in offline mode at the end of a tournament, the game will try to reconnect and submit your high score. The connection status is now visible on the end of tournament screen. [*]Accidents now count as a kill for the player in Tournament Mode.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Mouths now color swap correctly when using the horn. [*]New blaster FX added to all basic attacks. [*]The level "Stadium" is now called "Thundergard Stadium". [*]The level "Fjord" is now called "Kings Pass".[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Fix for showing highest score overall instead of by hero in Tournament Scoreboard. [*]"Local Match" option in the main menu is now called "Couch Party". [*]All window frames have had their colors updated. [*]Controller Support for the Battlefield 4 PS3 controller on PC. [*]Support for iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad on Windows. [*]Incorrect Version screen explains how to update to the latest version of Brawlhalla.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Fixed a potential desync. [*]Increased performance from UI pop-up windows.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed the gray screen frozen transfer bug. [*]Team colors should no longer show all red team on the end of game screen. [*]Fixed music on Stadium to stop playing the old battle music. [*]Fixed bug that could occasionally cause transfers to fail for very laggy connections that try to leave multiple times. [*]Fixed bug where the clients could become permanently out of sync. [*]Fixed a bug where UI would show users as having died online when they hadn't yet. [*]Fixed a bug where Bomb and Mine Explosions would sometimes occur incorrectly and then continue to animate, despite the game correcting itself. [*]Fixed a bug where custom games would not start after fiddling with team options. [*]Fixed a bug where Shut Down text would appear after an accident.[/list]