[b]Kasper and Friends Quest for the Cause[/b] [list][*]We are teaming up with [url]www.kasperandfriends.com[/url] for their American Cancer Society charity drive. [*]We added a weapon skin, The Cure Seeker, to the in game store for a limited time. [*]The Cure Seeker will only be available for purchase from 12/12/14 through 01/02/15. [*]We will give all of our proceeds from The Cure Seeker to Kasper and Friends Quest for the Cause![/list] [b]New Map[/b] [list][*]Stadium is now in and ready to fight on. [*]Let's get ready to rummmmmmble![/list] [b]Single Player Tournament[/b] [list][*]Lots of fun improvements to our Arcade Mode. [*]Arcade Mode now called Single Player Tournament. [*]Win condition now based on 3 Lives instead of Timed. [*]Arcade Mode scoreboard has been updated with more recent artwork and now give a better break down of the scoring system. [*]Updated tournament UI to include models of each contestant and transitions between each stage. [*]Trophy awarded per character for tournament placement. [*]Stars awarded per character for tournament score.[/list] [b]Community Request[/b] [list][*]Increased time server will wait to prioritize full groups instead of groups with bots. [*]New soft platform in the middle of Brawlhaven to improve gameplay. [*]Improved bot pathing through soft platforms.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Unarmed Quick Neutral: Reduced Force. [*]Lance Air Heavy: No longer cancels when hitting the wall. [*]Sword Quick Neutral: Reduced Damage and Force. [*]Sword Air Side Quick: Slightly reduced Force on first hit. [*]Hammer Quick Neutral: Reduced Damage and Force. [*]Hammer Down Quick: You can now jump immediately out of this move, making follow-ups possible. Should improve Hammer's performance in 1v1. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Reduced hit window duration. [*]Spear Down Heavy: Increased Minimum Charge Time. Reduced Force. [*]Gnash Heavy Rock Slam: Increased Force. Power is now a multihit while descending to improve carrying targets into the final hit. [*]Scarlet Boiling Point: Hit box better matches the steam cloud, and tails off in power at the end of the attack.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Default colors for Blue Team lightened to increase visibility. [*]You can now set a score to win in Timed mode. [*]Item spawning now adjusts to the number of active players in Lives mode.[/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]New painted background and platforms for Fjord map. [*]New painted platforms for Grumpy Temple map.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]The level icon displays that are visible during the level voting phase have been updated to match the new artwork for the levels they represent. [*]The adjustable custom game settings can now wrap around. Time now moves in increments of 1 minute and damage ratio moves in increments of 0.25.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Attempted fix for the startup crash. [*]Improved client-side memory management for online games. [*]Fixed a client memory leak that caused frame drops and generally lowered performance.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug where other players' costumes would appear transparent if you did not own them in the Character Select Screen. [*]Fixed bug causing Mallhalla purchase feedback animations to sometimes not play when the purchase confirmation window first opens. [*]Fixed a bug where players were not showing the KO effect on the last life in Lives modes. [*]Fixed a bug where bots could rapidly alternate directions in place. [*]Fixed bug that could cause characters to get flipped when using an ability near the top of the wall. [*]Fixed bug where sometimes the controller would stop being active after a game was over. [*]Fixed bug where looping sounds could get stuck until the client was restarted after online play. [*]Fixed an issue where the Sword's Quick Air Side animation would end abruptly. [*]Fixed a bug where viewing the controls from Training Mode when you have custom keybinds set could cause the controls to behave incorrectly. [*]Fixed a bug that allowed you to set an infinite time limit for custom online games. [*]Fixed a display bug where online games appeared to end with ~2 seconds remaining. [*]Fixed bug where dodge could get stuck after pulling up the overlay when playing with controller. [*]Fixed bug where edit keybinds was not available from the main menu. [*]Fixed a bug where the keyboard could keep your controller from working if you used it to show another program.[/list]