Patch Notes: Beta v 1.17.2
Author: Dinohedron,
published 9 years ago,
Servers are back up, Elo is being recorded correctly again, and here are a few quick updates to Beta v 1.17.2!
[list][*]Added Kings Pass to the 2v2 playlist (Give it a chance).
[*]Moved initial spawns in Twilight Grove for 2v2 balance.
[*]Increased the widths of the main platforms in Grumpy Temple.
[*]Initial spawns randomized so that you and your teammate don't always spawn in the same order in 2v2.[/list]
[list][*]DJ Ada's color swaps now include her headphones and jeans.[/list]
[list][*]Friend status now explicitly say what type of lobby and queue you're in.
[*]The count down before a match now starts 1.5 seconds sooner and finishes before players gain control of their Legends.[/list]
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[list][*]Fixed a bug where the right player (non leader) would not update when joining the queue in a 2v2 match.
[*]Fixed a race condition where you could unselect your legend after entering matchmaking.
[*]Fixed a rare bug where all 4 players in a 2v2 ranked game could end up on the same team.
[*]Fixed a rare bug causing some 2v2 Teams Elo to be set to 2 billion.[/list]
Patch Notes: Beta v 1.17.0