Patch Notes: Beta v 1.15.0
Author: [BMG] Tyveris,
published 9 years ago,
[h1]New Legend[/h1]
[*]Brynn the Valkyrie has been added to the roster!
[*]Temporarily unlocked for everyone before Character Rotation goes live.
[*]Daa-da-da-da-DAA-da, da-da-da-DAA-da, da-da-da-DAAA-da, da-da-da-daaaaaaa!
[h1]Balance Notes[/h1]
[*]We are going to try putting these in their own section now:
[*]Half-Halberd Item Skin for the Axe added to store.
[*]Chop chop chop!
[h1]Community Requests[/h1]
[*]You can ignore and unignore users via the lobby list.
[*]Dodging while wall sliding should now follow the direction of your inputs instead of just moving away from the wall.
[*]"Show Names" option has been added to the mini option panel in the main menu screen.
[*]HUD + World: Displays 3 letter name above Legends' heads and Legends' HUD elements.
[*]HUD: Displays 3 letter name above Legends' HUD elements.
[*]Never: Don't display 3 letter name (previous functionality).
[*]Kings Pass: Increased width of left platform by 17% and increased the width of the right platform by 22% (gap is the same width). Increased kill line distance from camera on both sides to reflect these changes.
[*]Flat Map: Increased wall height by 50%.
[*]Camera no longer follows thrown items that have left the camera bounds, but it does follow items thrown by your opponent in 1v1 games (previously it only followed items local players threw).
[*]PC support for Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2; Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog 3.
[*]Fixed Mac support for the Mayflash WiiU Gamecube controller adapter.
[*]HUD elements have been tweaked to be bolder easier to read.
[*]Scaled down the text in the friends list that describes what a given user is doing at that point in time.
[*]Client performance improvements, fixed issue where first blood would cause a memory leak.
[*]Improved client performance, decreased spikes.
[*]Reduced framerate drops during gameplay.
[*]Improved the performance of displaying player names during game play.
[*]Performance improvements with in-game HUD.
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[*]Fixed a bug where the main menu buttons would be disabled when they shouldn't be.
[*]Fixed a bug causing controls screen to no properly gain focus when opening it through the pause menu during game play.
[*]Fixed a bug where low speed characters would slide farther away than high speed characters during combos. Hat Tip Maximusmaxy.
[*]Fixed an extremely rare bug that could cause an incorrect hero to be shown on the rewards screen.
[*]Fixed a bug where you could not level select with the mouse.
[*]fixed a bug where the color/costume/weaponskins/stance picker would not work with the mouse.
[*]Fixed a bug where "MATCH BEGINS IN... " would show up when you didn't have a match.
[*]Fixed a server crash.
[*]Fixed a bug where two players losing their last life at the exact same time in stock mode would result in the Tie Breaker getting skipped and no winner being declared.
[*]fixed a bug where the score screen would linger when you returned to the main menu.