[b]New Specials[/b] [list] [*]Thatch and Lucien now have unique powers for all Heavy Ground attacks with both weapons. [*]All Legends now have unique powers for all Heavy Ground attacks with both weapons! [/list] [b]Cursed Gold![/b] [list] [*]Cursed Gold Thatch and the Cannonades Blasters Skin have arrived in the store! [*]Who ye gonna call? [/list] [b]Community Requests[/b] [list] [*]Team Damage can now be turned on. [*]PC support for GameStop brand controller. [*]<3 works again in chat. [/list] [b]Server Improvements[/b] [list] [*]Players should experience less packet loss. [*]Improved networking performance during gameplay. [*]Animations from attacks that are interrupted (due to lag), no longer finish their animation. [/list] [b]Item Pickup Changes[/b] [list] [*]Dodging and newly respawned players now count when determining if X should be a pickup vs attack. [*]Shifted the player auto-pickup radius further in front of the user. [*]Down and Forward radius should feel the same, neutral slightly smaller. [*]Distance behind you is much smaller so it's easier to grab an item when running away. [*]Fixed bug where item pickups were ignoring how close they were on the y axis for determining priority. [/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list] [*]All Heavy Ground attacks: Increased Cooldown Time between successive uses of the same power. [*]Unarmed Air Down: Landing animation retains some forward momentum but is no longer steerable during Recover Time. [*]Sword Air Side, Lance Air Neutral, Hammer Air Side, Blasters Air Side, Spear Air Side, Axe Air Side - Decreased acceleration when moving backward during power. [*]Hammer Ground Pound: Reduced Force; Increased Stun Time slightly. [*]Lance Ground Pound: Reduced Recover Time on hit; Increased Stun Time slightly. [*]Blasters Air Down - Fixed some cases where the first shot would hit and the final shots would miss. [*]Blasters Ground Neutral - Fixed some cases where the first or second shot would hit and the final shots would miss. Zeroes momentum on hit. [*]Blasters Recover: Rehitboxed to better match animation. Should fix a number of cases where targets would be dropped before the final hit when steered correctly. Reduced Hitbox size; Reduced Stun; Reduced distance traveled; Reduced Force. [*]Axe Ground Pound: Fixed a bug where it could cling to walls. [*]Vraxx Lance Neutral: Rehitboxed to better match animation; Reduced Hitbox size. [*]Vraxx Lance Side: Rehitboxed to better match animation. Fixed some cases where targets could be dropped before the final hit. [*]Vraxx Blasters Neutral: Slightly adjusted starting hitboxes. [*]Gnash Spear Side: No longer cancels into hit if reaches the target early. Increased Recover Time; Increased Damage; Slightly Increased Force. [*]Gnash Spear Down: Reduced hit window. Reduced final hitbox. [*]Nai Spear Side: Increased Recover Time; Increased Force. [*]Nai Spear Down: Increased Recover Time. [*]Ada Spear Neutral: Reduced Hitbox sizes; Final Hitbox no longer hits targets on the ground. Sped up Time to Hit. [/list] [b]Art[/b] [list] [*]Made some color changes to the Ragnarok KO fx. [*]Smoothed Unarmed's wall push away animation. [*]Realigned torso slightly in Spear idle animation to better match character art. [*]Smoothed Spear stop animation. [*]Added more arm movement to Katar run cycle animation. [*]Reduced the amount of feet sliding in the Axe's turning animations. [*]Tweaked the Axe's stopping animation to have a little more weight. [*]Unarmed Air Down Light: Changed landing animation. [*]Unarmed Ground Pound: Landing animation gets closer before snapping to ground. [*]Sword Ground Pound: Minor tweak to landing animation. [*]Lance Ground Pound: Shortened aerial hit animation. [*]Hammer Ground Pound: Tweaked landing animation to look more solid. [*]Spear Ground Side: Smoothed recover animation. [*]Axe Ground Pound: Fixed an issue where the swoosh wasn't playing correctly for a few frames. [*]Cassidy Hammer Side and Hammer Down: Made charge up poses less similar for readability. [*]Gnash Hammer Side: Changed charge up animation to be more planted. [*]Roland Lance Neutral: Improved FX and removed gradient that was rendering incorrectly. [/list] [b]Sound[/b] [list] [*]Improved sounds on Queen Nai, Gnash, Scarlet, and Sentinel powers. [*]Fixed a bug where Sword Ground Down played two swing sound effects on miss, moved the two-swing sound to Sword Ground Side. [/list] [b]UI[/b] [list] [*]Game Mode is now the first setting instead of the Teams toggle. [*]The "Leave" button in the top-right corner of the scoreboard screen has been updated with better hotkey support and more obvious feedback animations. [*]The head for a random Legend now has a white outline on the level select screen so it can be seen more easily against the random level icon. [*]Decreased memory allocation for tracking controllers. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where custom games sometime gets stuck in level select. [*]Fixed bug that could cause the Victory Screen to freeze. [*]Fixed bug where some users would get a fatal error whenever connecting to an online game. [*]Team Kills no longer count towards streaks and/or multikills. [*]Fixed custom controller bindings so that they save properly. [*]Removed faulty check that could cause disconnects. [*]Fixed a bug where the current lobby's Legends were misrepresented on lobby join. [*]Fixed bug that would improperly show rank for some users after 100. [*]Fixed bug where ranked matches weren't being recorded. [*]Fixed a rare bug causing rejoining of games to fail [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the "ShutDown" announcement to sometimes be skipped during gameplay. [*]Fixed a bug where getting spiked into the ground would reset your jumps and give you the grounded dodge cooldown even if you were stunned. [*]Fixed a rare bug that could cause server instability. [/list]