[b]New Specials[/b] [list][*]Bodvar and Orion now have unique powers for all Heavy Ground attacks with both weapons. [*]Just two left![/list] [b]Community Requests[/b] [list][*]Guests can now rejoin online games after a disconnect. [*]When reconnecting to a game, the bot will continue to play until you do something. [*]PC support for VX-2 Gioteck.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Strength is now the second tie-breaker (after power priority) for simultaneous hits instead of Dexterity. [*]You can now throw proximity mines down through soft platforms. [*]Reduced threshold for snapping to a ground attack from the air by one tick. [*]Decreased the timing threshold for being able to get a down attack off while on a soft platform (Effectively -2 ticks). [/list] [b]Dodge Changes[/b] [list] [*]Increased dodge velocity by 16%. [*]Decreased dodge duration from 25 ticks to 20 ticks. Total dodge distance down by 7.5%. [*]Added post dodge recovery of 2 ticks. (Pre 1.10 it was 4 ticks) [*]Increased ground dodge cooldown from 38 ticks to 50 ticks. [*]Letting go into neutral keeps a small amount of moment instead of killing it completely.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Unarmed Neutral Air: Slightly reduced Damage. [*]Unarmed Down Ground: Direction of Force is slightly less reliable; Can move and jump during the Recover Time only if the move hits; Added a short Cooldown between uses. [*]Sword Side Ground: Rehitboxed to better match animation; Increased Damage; Decreased Recover Time; Added a Cooldown. [*]Sword Neutral Ground: Increased Hitbox size. [*]Sword Down Ground: Second swing only occurs on hit; Greatly increased Recover Time on miss; Comboing is more reliable on hit; Extended hit window; Increased Hitbox width, decreased height. [*]Spear Neutral Ground: Decreased Hitbox Size; Increased Cooldown Time. [*]Spear Side Air: Slightly decreased Hitbox Size; Increased Recover Time. [*]Katar Ground Pound: Increased Force; Decreased Stun Time. [*]Axe Neutral Ground: Increased Hitbox size; Greatly decreased Recover Time; Reduced forward movement; Added a short Cooldown. [*]Sentinel Side Katar: Reduced Recover Time. [*]Hattori Side Sword: Reduced Force. [*]Hattori Down Spear: Increased Time to Hit. [*]Ada Down Blasters: Increased Cooldown Time; Increased Recover Time. [*]Ada Side Blasters: Decreased Time to Hit; Slightly increased Force. [*]Ada Neutral Spear: Greatly increased Time to Hit. [*]Ada Side Spear: Slightly increased Hitbox size; Decreased Time to Hit. [*]Cassidy Side Blasters: Decreased Damage and Force. [/list] [b]Levels[/b] [list][*]Temporarily removed Enigma1v1.[/list] [b]Sound[/b] [list][*]Added a new hit sound for the Blasters. [/list] [b]Art[/b] [list][*]Added more facial expressions to Nai's side and down spear specials. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bug that allowed navigation to empty device options in the Controls Screen. [*]Fixed PC support for Logitech Precision. [/list]